How stupid is that saying: “Too good to be true”? That’s what I’m asking myself right now with my “new” life. It’s good and it’s actually happening, so it’s true. Here are my reflections on one of the silliest sayings I know (and which I, of course, also used in the past).
I am doing fantastically well. I moved to Mallorca with my husband a few weeks ago. We have achieved a goal that we had been working towards for seven and a half years. I almost have to pinch myself now and then to believe it. It’s actually true and at the same time beautiful.
Of course, it also occurred to me to say it was ” unbelievably beautiful” or “too good to be true”. Then I started to think about it. Why do we actually use such phrases to immediately question something that is simply wonderful?
I think this is also related to another phenomenon: We sometimes can’t really enjoy situations that are great because we assume that they will quickly turn around again or that after a particularly beautiful moment, a disaster is almost bound to happen.
Do you know this too? I have often expected negative events in the past after experiencing something good. Then of course I could relate everything that happened to my expectation and say to myself, “I knew this couldn’t go on for long,” or “Of course I had to be disappointed again,” or even worse, “I don’t really deserve to be happy.”
Even last year I sometimes doubted that our big goal, moving to Mallorca, could come true. Although there was no single rational reason, I feared that something would go totally wrong yet. The cause was deeply rooted patterns and beliefs from my past.
Fortunately, I have Logosynthesis. And I use it not only to help my clients, but also to work on myself. In some sessions with my coach I was able to work on my fears. In the process, imprints surfaced that are much older than me: “Life has to be hard.” “Be humble and don’t expect too much.” Were beliefs that came from both my Prussian and my strict Protestant ancestors and no longer have anything to do with my current life.
The fact that I have worked on these and other patterns means that today I can enjoy my new life situation without hesitation. I also don’t expect anything to go wrong right away. I am just happy! Of course, things still happen that annoy me, tradesmen who take too long, my husband who is only most of the time but not always an angel, and so on. But in contrast to the past, I don’t tell myself “I knew I would be disappointed again” in such situations.
In Logosynthesis training, an important principle is that we always have to be one step ahead of our clients in their development, so that we don’t come across issues that we ourselves have not yet mastered. Once again, I am a big step further. And if you have the feeling that you have not yet dealt with the issue described above, you are now in the best hands with me. But also for many other issues that I have already worked on and where I might be able to support you. Feel free to contact me or book a free appointment for a get-to-know meeting right here:
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