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What if you curse every Monday and are already working towards the next weekend? And what if the job you’re suffering through is prestigious, well-paid and hard-won? The answer to this question is not easy but there is one.

Some time ago I was coaching a paediatrician. A dream job, right? She had worked hard, studied for ages and even borrowed a lot of money to open her own practice. Yet in the sessions, all she talked about was the stress of it all and her desire for free time, rest and relaxation. 

Unfortunately, in the end, we did not take up the topic “Are you even in the right job?”. When it became obvious, she quit the coaching. It was just too painful for her and the consequences were unimaginable. 

But I have to confess, since then this question has been bothering me: What if you have invested an insane amount of money only to realise that your job is making you unhappy? I know so many people who are already dreading the coming week on Sunday, who long for Friday and who compensate for their frustration with shopping, alcohol or other coping mechanisms. And in many respects I felt the same way for years. 

I enjoy advising and coaching people, and I also enjoy being a well-paid ” know-it-all” in my specialties of sales, negotiation and communication. But all these years I hated the travel involved and the preparation for seminars with people who didn’t want to be there. How much energy went into convincing all those involuntary participants in the seminars is something I no longer want to think about today. 

But mostly it’s not just that you have to admit to yourself and others that you made a mistake in such a fundamental decision. Apart from the fact that the choice of career often takes place at an age when you still know far too little about yourself. There is also usually a huge mountain of obligations, mainly financial, that have built up over the years. Family, house, cars, holidays… All of that needs to be paid for and the high-spec job helps with that. 

Seemingly hopeless, isn’t it? From my experience, there is a way out of the misery. But the work towards change first starts within yourself and not with the external aspects. And again, I can speak from my own experience. I first had to question and work on my beliefs about status, appreciation and financial success before I could consider new ways of living. 

And the beliefs that make us such hard workers are usually not just our own. They originate from our ancestors, social environment and society. For example, I worked on beliefs like “work must be hard.” or “money is scarce.” With Logosynthesis® I managed to dissolve these and free myself from them. This is not a quick process, because it usually involves removing many layers. But it is worth it. When the inner blockages and drivers are gone, paths suddenly open up. Solutions become thinkable and thus also realisable. Today I am happy and enjoy working, even if I work less. That is also a result of my inner change. 

I would have liked to accompany the paediatrician on this path. But it was not yet time for her. I am sure that at some point she will be ready to find a way out of her misery. 

If you feel triggered by this article or know someone who fits this topic, I have a suggestion for you: Let’s talk! In a first Get-to-know-me-Meeting, we can see if Coaching with Logosynthesis® can help you to work on your unhelpful believes and open up new ways. Use this link to make an appointment: 

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