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There are problems in life that you cannot solve intellectually. For example, you react incorrectly to a certain situation time and again, although you would know better. Fortunately, there are other methods – apart from thinking – to track down such permanent issues.

If Steve wants to send out a quotation that has been prepared by the back office, he must first search for errors. The colleagues simply don’t work  accurately enough in his opinion. Actually, it wouldn’t even be his job to check the quotes. Usually they go directly to the customer. The biggest problem, however, is that he gets terribly upset and has already gotten into trouble with his colleagues a few times. Steve knows for himself that he would achieve more if he stayed calm. But he just can’t get out of his skin.

It is precisely such situations in which we cannot “get out of our skin” that make life difficult for ourselves, even more than for others. Again and again we react in the same patterns and loops. A thousand times already we have planned to remain calm next time. But when it is time again, the old program starts. If we manage to stay calmer on the outside, it rages on the inside or we just can’t get the situation out of our heads afterwards.

Do you know this? If so, it’s time for other methods. Where the mind doesn’t help, the Logosynthesis® coaching method, which I have been working with for years, can help. This method starts where the intellect doesn’t help. It starts with the unconscious programming that we develop in the course of our lives. Many of them originate from childhood, are actually long outdated, but still strongly control our reactions.

Energy is bound in difficult situations. Our own energy, for example by constantly thinking about it, blaming ourselves or getting annoyed. And we also hold the energy of other people. With certain sentences we can release this energy again, so that it is available to us and no longer blocks us. Sounds cryptic, but works.

When I first got to know Logosynthesis more than five years ago, I was amazed how differently I could react after just one session. I was calmer and more relaxed and even my husband noticed that something had changed. I then decided that I wanted to do my own training in Logosynthesis. Meanwhile I am a Practitioner in Logosynthesis for 2 years and work on my Master. In my coaching sessions I regularly use Logosynthesis and my clients confirm to me again and again that it also has an amazing effect on them.

Steve, for example, can now discuss the subject with the back office staff in a calm and objective manner. As a result, he is much more likely to encourage his colleagues to work together to find solutions. He was able to dissolve his old reaction pattern. 

But it is not important whether it is logosynthesis or another of the so-called energy methods. In my opinion, we need more than our intellect to really develop. Unfortunately, the mind is limited in some respects. But fortunately we can still work on ourselves – using the right methods – and become better and better. And if you haven’t noticed it yet: I will be happy to help you with that ;).

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